Pragmatic software tester with a strong technical background in Linux and Windows server environments, virtualisation, networking and hardware.
Blackbox and graybox testing of web applications and mobile apps.
Avid scripter, quick & eager learner, and big fan of test automation.
Documentation devotee in testing and coding. Often writes in passive voice. Die-hard Oxford comma defender.
2016 - Present
QA Test engineer at Progreso HR Software
Software Test & QA Engineer
- Automation framework design & development with Sahi Pro
- Functional, Acceptance and end-to-end graybox testing of the HR Application
- Limited customer-facing servicedesk duties
2009 - 2014
QA for AXSguard appliances and at VASCO Data Security
Test Automation engineer
- Graybox testing in continuous integration environment
- Automation framework development for & AXSGuard appliances
- Ruby automation API development for Vcloud and Virtualbox for automated testing
- Two-factor authentication testing on web apps
- Direct discussion with development teams for software features
2008 - 2009
Suppport at VASCO for AXSguard appliances
L2 Support Engineer
- Analysis & support of network problems for customers using Gatekeeper
- Direct-access problemsolving in network & hardware existing environment
2006 - 2008
Support and system administration at IN BVBA
System administrator
- Manage multiple linux and windows webservers with varying configurations
- Building web-based custom spam filter for customers based on opensource solutions
- Create automation script(s) for common maintenance tasks for shared web/mail-hosting servers
2004 - Present
System administration for
IIS/.net website system admin
- Maintaining and upgrading ASP/.net dating site
2014 - 2015
2005 - 2006
Hogeschool Antwerpen
Vrije student